WebMD Better information Better healthWhat you see is interesting The optimum pressure is below 1/80 mm Hg l would feel sick or collapse in these condition A few years ago the normal was called optimum To your question 140/80 or 139/80 mmHg l wouldn't give anything to the difference, probably you just took a11/12/09 · Systolic blood pressure for most healthy adults falls between 90 and 1 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) Normal diastolic blood pressure falls between 60 and 80 mm Hg (By convention, an individual's blood pressure is written as systolic/diastolic blood pressure, eg, 1/80) Current guidelines define normal blood pressure as lower than 1/80

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Is bp 80 60 normal-Normal blood pressure is defined when the top number (systolic) is less than 1 mm Hg and the bottom number is under 80 mm Hg Anything less than 90 over 60 is considered low, but low doesn't always mean unhealthy or dangerous Sometimes there are reasons for low blood pressure Factors that contribute to this are dehydration, medication, and certain medical conditions Improper blood pressureAverage blood pressure differs by sex and tends to rise with age It is not the same as "normal" blood pressure guidelines that are used to diagnose hypertension (high blood pressure) To put average blood pressure by age in context, it's important to know how it affects your health, and how it is measured

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A heart rate of 80 beats per minute (or 133 beats every 10 seconds) is within the range considered normal for adults and children over ten 3 While within the normal adult range of 60 to 100, a 80 pulse is 176% quicker than the typical adult average of 73 bpm30/1/11 · 80 70 65 Borderline HIGH BP High Normal NORMAL B P Low Normal Low Blood Pressure 90 80 70 60 50 60 55 45 35 30 90 60 Very Low BP 80 55 Extremely Low 70 45 Danger 60 40 Danger 50 30 DANGER Low LOW BP Symptoms Weak, Tired, Dizzy, Fainting, Coma 80 80 2The blood pressure in healthy individuals is not same Why not ?
2/4/21 · I typically have low blood pressure around 80/60 Two weeks ago at my prenatal visit I was 85/60 I went in today and the MA who took my blood pressure didn't mention anything but the midwife just commented that it was right on the verge ofWhat does a blood pressure of 80/64 and a pulse of 93 mean?A normal blood pressure is around 1/80mmHg (1 over 80) You have low blood pressure (also known as hypotension) if your blood pressure drops below 90/60mmHg (90 over 60) Low blood pressure means that the blood flow in the body might be insufficient to bring enough oxygen and nutrients to your organs
A Healthy blood pressure is defined as anything under 1/80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) Yours certainly falls in that categoryIf it is 60 and higher and your diastolic is below 80, that means that your heart manages to pump out less than cc with a stroke That's a problem I am afraid that you BP cuff is either not working properly, or you have a significant difference between the arms or indeed you may be having a problem with your heart and/or arteries"i have very low blood pressure 80/50, sometimes lower what could be some causes?" Many things can cause a heart rate of 180 and low blood pressure of 80/60, unfortunately none of them are good Arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillatio Read More 0 100 to 130 over 70 to 90 rands are not low for most people

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Low blood pressure 90 or lower 60 or lower Normal blood pressure Lower than 1 Lower than 80 Elevated blood pressure 1 – 129 Lower than 80 High blood pressure stage 1 130 – 139 80 – High blood pressure stage 2 140 or higher 90 or higher High blood pressure crisis — see your doctor immediately 180 or higher 1 or higherAdvanced Trauma Life Support overestimates SBP based on palpation of radial, femoral, & carotid pulses Another way to state this is, if using ATLS guidelines to guestimate BP, we are grossly underestimating the degree of hypovolemia our patients have12/4/14 · New guidelines that relax blood pressure levels for people over 60 came as welcome news for Tanis Bryan, a retired college professor who watched her blood pressure inch up after losing her husband

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Find out how to understand blood pressure readings and use our blood pressure chart to see how healthy your blood pressure is and you'd call it '1 over 80' If your top number is under 90 or your bottom number is under 60, you may be diagnosed with low blood pressure Use the chart to see where your numbers sit If your top5/3/09 · Anything below 90/60mm Experts say that if you have a low BP level and are experiencing dizziness, fatigue, nausea it could be a sign of serious underlying conditions such as a heart condition, blood infection or damage to your nervous system It is best to be evaluated to determine what could be the triggerNormal blood pressure is a systolic number less than 1 mm Hg and a diastolic number less than 80 mm Hg Which means that your blood pressure reading would have to be 119 over 79 or lower to fall into the normal blood pressure range (resource)

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Low blood pressure is the pressure of 80/60 mm Hg and below Sharp drop in blood pressure can be lifethreatening condition, requiring urgent medical treatmentHigh and Low Blood Pressure The generally accepted standard for "normal" blood pressure is 90/60 to less than1/80 If your blood pressure is consistently lower than 90/60, you have low blood pressure Blood pressure between 1/80 and 140/90 is still considered normal However, most doctors will recommend lifestyle changes if you are in that range Above 140/90 is considered high blood pressure/7/12 · Normal blood pressure is a systolic pressure of less than 1 and a diastolic pressure of less than 80 Systolic pressure (the upper number in a blood pressure reading) refers to pressure in the arteries when the heart beats Diastolic pressure (the lower number) measures pressure in the arteries between heart beats But when and how to treat blood pressure to


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3/2/09 · Normal blood pressure is usually in the range of 1/80 (systolic/diastolic) Hypotension is the medical term for low blood pressure (less than 90/60)Chronic low blood pressure with no symptoms is almost never serious But health problems occur when blood pressure drops suddenly, and the brain is deprived of an adequate blood supplyReadings at or below 80/60 usually indicate low blood pressure or what is called Hypotension What this means is the blood pressure in your arteries is lower than what is considered normal However, there's usually no need to be concerned about low blood pressure unless you're experiencing dizziness, fainting, nausea or fatigueBelow is a blood pressure chart by age A blood pressure monitor that shows systolic, diastolic reading and the pulse The reading in this screen is presented as 1/75 Blood Pressure Chart Systolic BP and Diastolic BP This blood pressure chart by age can offer you a referrence when you need to find out what your own blood pressure means

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Your blood pressure What blood pressure readings mean As you can see from the blood pressure chart, only one of the numbers has to be higher or lower than it should be to count as either high blood pressure or low blood pressure 90 over 60 (90/60) or less You may have low blood pressure More on low blood pressureBackground The 17 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) Guideline for High Blood Pressure in Adults redefined hypertension as systolic blood pressure (BP) ≥130 mm Hg or diastolic BP ≥80 mm Hg The optimal BP for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) is uncertain Objectives The goal of this study was to investigate the impacts of the 17Lie down and rest for a few minutes Call the doctor if several readings are at or above 160/80 without any symptoms A blood pressure reading of 160/80 coupled with symptoms such as headache, nausea, blurry vision, chest pain and shortness of breath point to

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If it is same then it should have A wide range of 160 is considered good This is not by any scientific equations But measuring the BP of the public and finding the high6064 138/74 137/76 6569 139/75 150/71 143/78 151/ 149/80 7074 137/77 150/73 148/80 160/86 157/ 7579 154/80 155/68 153/ 166/86 166/87 Low blood pressureSix patients had systolic figures regularly below 115mm and five more had similar pressures for long periods31/8/09 · I have always had a low blood pressure, never above 90/60 and usually around 60 over 40 I've had so many tests done for diabetes/iron defiency/thyroid etc but I'm perfect on paper I recently got diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and that explains a lot of weird symptoms I've had all my life, but would that explain the low blood pressure and what does having a low blood pressure

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27/10/17 · Vascular dementia (VaD) is the second most common form of dementia However, there were mixed evidences about the association between blood pressure (BP) and risk of VaD in midlife and late life and limited evidence on the association between pulse pressure and VaD This is a populationbased observational study 265,7 individuals with at least one BP measurement between the ages of 60You are always talking about high blood pressure Mine is always on the low side, about 80/60 Is that a problem?Eight blood pressure categories are as below (in mmHg) Optimal BP – Below 1 (SBP) & 80 (DBP) Best or most favorable blood pressure range This range is good for your heart, kidney, other internal organs, and for overall health Normal BP – Below 130 (SBP) & 85 (DBP) Blood pressure range noted among most healthy individuals

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There are two parts or two separate numbers referred to as blood pressure Systolic/Diastolic If the blood pressure is 90/80 (90 over 80), it means that the systolic pressure is 90 and the diastolic pressure is 80 90/80 blood pressure can also be read as 90/80 mm Hg, or 90/80 millimeters of mercury The 90 mm Hg Systolic refers to the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats, and the 80 mm Hg Diastolic is the pressureThe report published in JAMA said healthcare providers should take a new approach to treating high blood pressure for people 60 and older The panel advised treatment at 140/90 for adults from ages 30 to 59, but starting only at 150/90 for people 60 and olderIn fact, blood pressure guidelines vary according to the age of the patient, meaning that the 1/80 rule doesn't apply to everyone Why Knowing Your Numbers is Important High blood pressure occurs when the force of the blood being pumped through your arteries is too strong

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8/8/09 · You can obtain a BP under 80 systolic by Palpation, the guidelines of 80/70/60 have been disregarded, yet it is amazing that it's still being taught by misguided instructors14/12/18 · One rule of thumb doctors use is this but a normal blood pressure is considered the same for all adolescents and adults, whether someone is , 60, or 70 years old below 1/80 The first, or top number of the blood pressure reading, or if their diastolic blood pressure is above 80 or below 9090/70 blood pressure can also be read as 90/70 mm Hg, or 90/70 millimeters of mercury The 90 mm Hg Systolic refers to the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats, and the 70 mm Hg Diastolic is the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats When determining if 90/70 is a good blood pressure, we looked at the American Heart Association's blood pressure chart below Normal Blood Pressure Systolic Less than 1 Diastolic Less than 80

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Hypotension is commonly defined as a blood pressure less than 100/60 (pressure between 100/60 and 1/80 is considered optimal) For most people, living with low blood pressurePosted on Tue, 25 Sep 12 Question My blood pressure is 80/64 and my pulse is 93 (72 x 60 x 24) so variation will be there nothing to worry about it so long as you do not get any symptoms like blackout,With most adults, the normal blood pressure reading needs to be below the 1/80 measurement This remains the golden rule for adolescents, adults, and older adults By examining this number, it does not include those with issues of their blood vessels or have existing health conditions affecting the blood pressure

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A normal blood pressure for an adult is defined as 90 to 119 systolic over 60 to 79 diastolic The range between 1 to 139 systolic and 80 to diastolic is called prehypertension, and readings above that indicate hypertension, or high blood pressureIf the faint or blackingout sensation isn't resolved by this simple measure, then your 110 over 60, as an average blood pressure reading, may be too low for you Dr Honaker continues, "110 is okay, but 60 is a bit low because the coronary arteries that nourish the heart muscle fill up with blood during diastole (as opposed to systole), which is reflected in the bottom number of BP25/7/18 · This table above shows ranges for normal blood pressure for men over 50 years of age It is clear from the table that blood pressure rises after the age of 60 years and peaks at about 75 years and gradually reduces thereafter A lot of debates have surfaced in recent times regarding considering treatment of hypertension in men over 80 years of age

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High probability that the blood pressure monitor is not working properly, and the results of measuring Blood pressure 80/70 cannot be taken into accountThe minority view to the JNC8 recommendations believe that 80 is the new 60 and should be used as the cut off age for less aggressive treatment of high blood pressure The ultimate decision about how aggressively to treat high blood pressure depends on multiple factors and is determined by physicians and other prescribers in consultation with each of their patients80 bpm resting pulse Is a 80 pulse rate too high?

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